Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homemade Apple Sauce

On Friday I had determined that three big bags of apples in my refrigerator was way to many, so we had to do something to start getting rid of our apples.  All these apples were from the apple picking that we did a couple weeks ago up in Blue Ridge.  The only logical thing that Emma Grace and I could come up to help us get rid of all our apples was to make Homemade Apple Sauce! 
I started off with one silly little girl, throw in a bag of pealed apples (about 15 apples), one cup of water, and let simmer for hours.  I added cinnamon and nutmeg, and mashed with my potato masher.  It was delicious. 
I thought I was going to use these fancy Ball Canning Jars, that I bought specifically for the project, but every time I think about canning something I get freaked out that I am going to make someone sick.  So I just jarred up the apple sauce and handed them out to the neighbors, and told them to refrigerate and eat fast.  One day I hope to understand the art of canning, but until then we will keep chugging along.  I think Taylor wants to make apple cider with his bag of apples this weekend!  Nothing says “fall” like apples!

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