Saturday, January 10, 2009

Taylor’s School Work

Today Taylor was working on his homework and after he was finished I asked him to write his name on the top when I came to check it this is what I found (see the name circled in green). I don’t know if he was trying to be funny or if he just got confused, but he did a pretty darn good job.

Today while Taylor and I were working on our sight words he was really struggling with the new list, that his teacher gave him this week, until we came to the word “but.” And he got this word right away. He thought that he was so funny because he knew a bad word, but we worked thru the difference between “but” and “butt”. He can now use both words in a sentence and spell them. So smart!

This bring me to my next thought of the day, and my teacher friends out there might leave me with their input. Should 4 year olds be able to identify sight words? At what point is are they supposed to know sight words? I am asking because Taylor really struggles with them, and I am just thinking that we are not quite old enough yet (I hope).

Sorry but my readers will probably see a lot more of my kids work on my blog. This is a much easier place to store them as opposed to the big Rubbermaid box that is in my hall closet.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I can't believe Taylor has school work already! I still think back to the Christmas when you were pregnant with him. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago.

Taylor - Excellent job on the school work! Keep up the good work!