Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Taylor the Animal Lover

My Taylor loves animals, but he especially loves Cats, and every now and then he and I will sit down at the computer and just google animals to look at and admire. Yesterday we were looking at cats and here are some of the ones that he found particular interesting, and asked me to put on our blog (I think he too will be a blog geek).

Taylor: "That’s hilarious"
Mom: "Taylor that cat looks like a rat.”
Taylor: “That does not look like a rat to me. Mom that is a beautiful cat.”
Taylor: "I love that cat"

Taylor: "Aaaaahhhh, That’s freaking me out mom"

Taylor: "Awa"

1 comment:

The Timbs Clan said...

Me and Brayden do the same thing except he wants to google Frogs and Sharks..YUCK
Then I always throw in a kitty or a puppy for good measure!!