I have recently fallen in love with this man’s Daily Devotional Blog:
http://pastorscmartin.blogspot.com/, and I wanted to share it with everyone who reads mine. Below is a recap of today’s devotion and it really hit home for me and made me want to be a better parent to my children, and a better teacher to my children of “Christ’s love.” I know that is an area in my life that I need to improve upon. If you only read a little of this make sure to read the part that I have highlighted.
Daily Bible Reading - Exodus 2:1 - 4:31When God gets ready to do a great work on this earth - very often He will send a baby. It was certainly true in His great work of redemption when He sent Jesus to save this world from its sins.
When God sees a wrong that needs to be righted and a truth that needs to be declared, more often than not He sends a baby into the world to do it. He often will send that baby into a little known family. You may not know William and Mary. They lived in the Seattle area. They were concerned about their young son Bill, he was not doing well in school. They finally got him interested in a new invention called the computer. At 31 he became the youngest billionaire in the history of America. You may not know William and Mary, but you probably know their son the founder of Microsoft - Bill Gates.
You may not be very familiar with Amram and Jochubed. They were two obscure Hebrews living in a Goshen ghetto. I am sure you know their son Moses. Moses - the great law-giver. Moses - the author of the first five books of the Old Testament. Moses - mentioned over 700 times in the Bible. Moses mentioned by Paul, Peter, John, Jude and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Moses is an example of what can happen in the life of a young person when his life is touched by God. The greatest accomplishment a parent can make in life is to raise a child who becomes a mighty man or woman for God.
When Exodus opens the people have come down into great honor in Egypt. But things changed. Exodus 1:8 – “Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.” Pharaoh became suspicious of the Hebrews. He saw them as a potential threat. (vs. 10) Pharaoh then issued a decree that all male babies were to be killed.
Amram and Jochubed then made the decision: “We are going to do everything we can to save this child.” The Bible says in Hebrews 11:23 “they hid him for 3 months, and they were not afraid of the king’s command.”Listen, if you are going to see your children through and see them become mighty for God, you have to have a lot of courage, a lot of faith, and a lot of effort. Don’t just assume that your children are going to turn out all right. The average child spends 5 hours a day in front of the TV. By 18 he has seen 32,000 murders, 250,000 acts of violence, 100,000 beer commercials. And yet the average child doesn’t have a mom or dad who spends 5 seconds a day with them in Bible study and prayer. We throw our children into the Nile and wonder why they don’t turn out all right.When you plant a garden you don’t just throw out seeds - then collect a harvest. Luther Burbank the great horticulturist said, “If we paid as much attention to our plants as we pay to our children, we would be living in a jungle of weeds.” It takes some time if you are going to raise a mighty child for God.But Moses’ parents soon realized they couldn’t hide him forever. If they couldn’t hide him they would do something to save him. I have an idea they searched the oral history. They came across the account of Noah. They said, “That’s what we will do. If he must go in the Nile, we’ll put him in the ark first.” They put that little boy into the wicker ark and lovingly and hopefully committed it to the grace and providence of God.
Oh parents! - Get your children in the ark of safety. Get your children to Jesus! You can’t shelter them from the Niles of this world but you can get them saved forever in the arms of Jesus Christ!