Thursday, October 30, 2008

Truth Told To Taylor

Well tonight at dinner Ryan and I decided that we needed to break the news to Taylor about his best buddy Kenneth, and lets just say it did not go over very well. Taylor started crying and crying and crying. It was so hard Ryan and me, I tried but was not able to hold back the tears. Taylor was so sad. After he cried he started to yell “Kenneth is not my best friend anymore.” Ryan and I assured him that they would always be best friends but that we would just get to find more creative ways to visit with Kenneth. It is so hard to see your little ones hurt. I just wish I could take on all of the pain, that he will ever have, for myself so he does not have to hurt in his little heart. I love you Taylor and I am so sorry that you are missing your best buddy so much.

1 comment:

Char said...

Awwww..... precious Taylor - my heart hurts for you.
It will be okay.
Mommy - my heart hurts for you too.
I know you want to take all of his hurts - but - as hard as it is - these experiences are already shaping him into a well-balanced, strong, caring and understanding human being.
Hold on tight - and remember - you have really just begun to embark on the "EMOTIONAL RIDE OF YOUR LIFE!"
I am so thankful that you and Ryan are loving, leading, teaching and guiding my grandbabies through life.
You're doing great!
Much Love,