Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Day Back To Work

Well yesterday had to have been the world’s worst day, I guess because I was simply dreading the fact that I had to come back to work the following day. But, today has not been too bad. I did tear up when I thought of Emma but I just sit back and remember that she is at a wonderful caring and nurturing place and that everyone there just absolutely adores here. Don’t get me wrong I would much rather be at home holding Emma and watching my line up of daytime TV, that I have become very accustomed to. But I do work for a wonderful company and with a wonderful group of people and they have helped make the transition much easier for me.

Emma is actually in a class of 12 kids, and I personal know 4 of the other children and their parent’s very well. Max is in there and he is one of my sorority sister’s son. Katherine Lewis (Kenneth’s sister) of course is in there. Reese Reid (Tia’s sister) is in there, and Sydney Ferguson who is our church youth directors daughter. For those of you who don’t know Kenneth and Tia are both children and very good friends that Taylor grew up with at Wee Friends.

I just keep telling myself each day will get easier. Each day will get easier. Each day will get easier.............

1 comment:

The Timbs Clan said...

Awww hang in there and it does get easier!!! I had to work after having Morgan and I remember it like yesterday when I had to leave her. All the way to work I cried and I felt horrible.