Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Flowers for Mom

On Saturday I took the kids to the park to try and get out of the house while Ryan was recovering from his gunk. While we were there Taylor picked me a precious little yellow flower and told me “it was for me, and it was beautiful like me, and how much he loved me, etc.” The flower looked like the one below.

By the end of our trip to the park it was past our naptime and Taylor was cranky and he mouthed of to me one too many times. I finally said “alright we have to go now” and I started to walk to the car. To my surprise when we got to the car he handed me several of these not so pretty white weed flowers, and said “here you get the ugly flowers because you are not nice, and you are not my best friend anymore, and I am mad at you, etc.” The flower looked like the one below.

I love you little boy and we will get thru these tough times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that little boy. He is so funny. I like how one minute you are his best friend the next you are his worst enemy!