Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Journey without Nighttime Pull-Ups

Taylor my dear we have been trying for the past three weeks to allow you to sleep without Pull-Ups on, and it has been an interesting journey. You love the freedom of going to bed “commando” (without your underwear or Pull-Ups), but we have not mastered waking up dry. You have always loved to take a glass of water to bed with you, but we have not allowed you to have water after 7:00 since you are no longer sleeping in a Pull-Up. But last night I got you up before your dad and I went to bed so you could go to the bathroom, and when I was putting you back in the bed you told me that “my tummy is thirsty for water”. And I explained “that if we were going to be able to sleep without a Pull-Up on that you could not have any water.” So you began to argue with me (in the sweetest voice ever) by saying that “I have plants inside me and I have to water them or they are going to die.”

You are such a funny little boy. I just don’t know where you come up with the things that you say – especially at 11:00 at night after being woken up from a deep sleep. I love you, and promise that we are going to master this sleeping thru the night without an accident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest story I have ever heard! I love my Tator! I really like your replacement ABOUT US picture!
Love mary