Saturday, August 30, 2008


My little balding beauty…. Miss Emma you were born with a head full of black hair but you are quickly starting to loose it on the top of your head.

I love bloomers, especially bloomers with ruffles.
You and daddy watching the first football games of the 2008 season….

So Tiny….

This was the outfit that I picked out for you to come home from the hospital in. Of course it is a unisex outfit because we did not find out your gender, but all unisex outfits tend to be too masculine. When we found out you were a girl I refused to bring you home in anything but pink. It was bad enough that I reused your brothers blue car seat, and all of his blue blankets.

Taylor the “totally awesome big brother.” Taylor “totally awesome” is your new word.

As of right now I do not have a picture of all my whole family. All of my pictures are either of the kids, of me and the kids, or of daddy and the kids. Sometime really soon I am either going to learn to use the timer on my camera or I am going to ask one of our neighbors to take a picture of the four of us. For now the next three pictures will have to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taylor is "totally awesome" and his sissy is pretty cool too! (too bad she cries all the time.. oh wait.. that's Lucy)
-I check you blog atleast 7 times a day.. keep writing, because I love your sweet family and all of your stories