Sunday, August 31, 2008
My Little Hunter
Amazing Letters
From my sister Mary: "My sister's friend Candice made these for Lucy and we are so proud to own them. They are going to look great in Lucy's room and they cordinate with her bedding perfectly. I am so excited about them!!!"
Thank you Candice we love Emma’s name letters.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I love bloomers, especially bloomers with ruffles.
You and daddy watching the first football games of the 2008 season….
So Tiny….
This was the outfit that I picked out for you to come home from the hospital in. Of course it is a unisex outfit because we did not find out your gender, but all unisex outfits tend to be too masculine. When we found out you were a girl I refused to bring you home in anything but pink. It was bad enough that I reused your brothers blue car seat, and all of his blue blankets.
Taylor the “totally awesome big brother.” Taylor “totally awesome” is your new word.
As of right now I do not have a picture of all my whole family. All of my pictures are either of the kids, of me and the kids, or of daddy and the kids. Sometime really soon I am either going to learn to use the timer on my camera or I am going to ask one of our neighbors to take a picture of the four of us. For now the next three pictures will have to do.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Our Journey without Nighttime Pull-Ups
Taylor my dear we have been trying for the past three weeks to allow you to sleep without Pull-Ups on, and it has been an interesting journey. You love the freedom of going to bed “commando” (without your underwear or Pull-Ups), but we have not mastered waking up dry. You have always loved to take a glass of water to bed with you, but we have not allowed you to have water after 7:00 since you are no longer sleeping in a Pull-Up. But last night I got you up before your dad and I went to bed so you could go to the bathroom, and when I was putting you back in the bed you told me that “my tummy is thirsty for water”. And I explained “that if we were going to be able to sleep without a Pull-Up on that you could not have any water.” So you began to argue with me (in the sweetest voice ever) by saying that “I have plants inside me and I have to water them or they are going to die.”
You are such a funny little boy. I just don’t know where you come up with the things that you say – especially at 11:00 at night after being woken up from a deep sleep. I love you, and promise that we are going to master this sleeping thru the night without an accident.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Home with Both Children
This brings me to my next thought of the day: I am so thankful that I am able/allowed to take off 12 weeks from work. Some days I feel that Emma and I are on the verge of developing a routine and then we have nights like last night (where she is up half of the night). I do love my job very much and I look forward to going back, but I am so glad that I still have more time to be with Emma to work on our routine. Because after a night like last night I’m not sure that I would be able to function very well at work.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First TV Show for Emma 8/26/08
Mary And Lucy Come To Visit 8/26/08
Emma Grace in her Tutu :
Aunt Mary was historical today (she always keeps me laughing). To catch everyone up to speed Miss Lucy has not always been a very content baby she has spent most of her first five weeks of life very fussy, and Mary has handled her so well. Mary will just sit and bounce her and rock her to help sooth her to sleep or thru her fussy times. Well evidently today Lucy had a fantastic day – she did not fuss or cry at all. Most would think this was a miracle, but not Mary. Mary came into the house with tears in her eyes and she told me what was going on and told me that she thought Lucy was sick. When I asked why she would think this she said, “this is not my Lucy, my Lucy is a fussy baby, so she must be sick.” Mary was panic stricken, but I assured her that Lucy was not sick and she must just be turning a new leave in life. We had the best visit and Miss Lucy was so precious.
Miss Emma Sleeps Thru the Night
Monday, August 25, 2008
Miss Emma Grace is 5 Weeks Old Today
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Homework for Preschoolers
Taylor baby you’re a little bit lazy because you kept saying “No mommy you do it, you color it, you glue it.” But we finally got through it and you did it all by yourself.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Back to School Shopping for Taylor
Friday, August 22, 2008
Mary and Lucy Visit 8/21/08
Miss Emma Grace One Month Old 8/21/08
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My Little Talker
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Aunt Emily’s 21st Birthday Celebration
Taylor and G-Daddy playing with the train set:
Question from Taylor
All Girl Outing
Thanks mom and Emily for putting up with us and our children all day today. We truly had a blast.
Our new bow:
Monday, August 18, 2008
Six Year Anniversary
I love you so much Ryan and this has been the best six years of my life - thank you so much for my amazing children!!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Funny Taylor Stories
Today after I finished feeding your sister I sat the Boppy down on the floor, and before I knew it you had picked it up and were walking around the room with it on your belly saying “I am a lady.” You are the funniest child I have ever met.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Aunt Mary and Cousin Lucy
This was about the time that Emma started to nurse Lucy’s cheek: