Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Funny Emma Story

I have wanted to post this for a while, but I did not want to expose a certain little someone to any bad press, but since Mary posted about this I thought it would be okay if I mentioned it on my blog as well.

Last week I got a call form Emma Grace’s Playschool teacher, who said “I hate to tell you this but Emma has been bit by a friend.” (In an effort to protect the offender the teachers are not allowed to say who did the biting.) This was Emma’s first bite so I thought I would share with Mary by email. Here was our conversation:

My email to Mary: “Just got a call from playschool and Emma Grace has gotten her first bite from a friend.”

Mary’s response: “Just got a call from playschool, and Lucy has bit her first friend today, sorry we are working on not doing this.”

I thought it was cute. I hate that Emma got bit but they are at the age where this happens (hints they are teaching). We went through it with Taylor, and he turned out okay.

Sometimes good things come out of kids biting each other. I met one of my best friends from Taylor being bit and biting when he was Emma’s age. Taylor and Kenneth use to bite each other all the time, and because of it Ellen (Kenneth’s mom) and I became really close. So, good things do come out of situations like these, Ha!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I am a little behind on my blogs, but that is really funny!

My grandmother still tells the story of when we were kids and my cousin poked me in the eye. It was my cousin who ran up in tears because "her eye poked my finger!"