Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 16 Update

Doctor’s appointment went well yesterday. Two healthy babies still bouncing around in their hidey hole. Both Baby A and Baby B still have very high heart rates. A is roughly 159 and B is roughly 152. Yikes – could they both be girls? We did ask the doctor for an ultrasound to see if we could determine the gender at 16 weeks. She agreed, but warned us that until week 20 there were no guarantees that things could not change. The doctors guess was Baby A was a girl, and maybe possibly Baby B was a boy. Baby B was being very stubborn, and sat Indian Style the whole time. I think that she was being nice and trying to give us hope when she said Baby B was a boy. If you can’t tell we really just want healthy babies, but would be tickled to death if we were blessed with at least one more really sweet little boy! We will see what God has planned for us. Our 20 week ultrasound will be on Monday April 25th!

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