Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hanging out on Vacation
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Baton Rouge
My sisters and I packed up the car on Friday March 18 and headed to Baton Rouge with our three little babies for a week of fun with Manna and G-Daddy. I love this trip! I love Baton Rouge – it is warm, my parents have an awesome condo with a heated pool, it is warm year round, the food is awesome, did I mention that it is warm year round! Today is March 30th and in Bentonville it is only 40 degrees (but I will save that for a different post).
While we were in Baton Rouge we hit up the Saint Patrick’s day parade. This is a huge deal in Baton Rouge. The parade was miles long and lasted for hours. Taylor loved it, and all of the free beads that he collected. It is tradition in Baton Rouge to say “throw me something mister” and they will hook you up with beads.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Week 16 Update
Doctor’s appointment went well yesterday. Two healthy babies still bouncing around in their hidey hole. Both Baby A and Baby B still have very high heart rates. A is roughly 159 and B is roughly 152. Yikes – could they both be girls? We did ask the doctor for an ultrasound to see if we could determine the gender at 16 weeks. She agreed, but warned us that until week 20 there were no guarantees that things could not change. The doctors guess was Baby A was a girl, and maybe possibly Baby B was a boy. Baby B was being very stubborn, and sat Indian Style the whole time. I think that she was being nice and trying to give us hope when she said Baby B was a boy. If you can’t tell we really just want healthy babies, but would be tickled to death if we were blessed with at least one more really sweet little boy! We will see what God has planned for us. Our 20 week ultrasound will be on Monday April 25th!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thoughts and Reflections
Having two babies growing inside you at the same time is very exciting - don't get me wrong. But it is also a little but scary, especially when they are babies 3&4 in the birthing order. I told Ryan 2.5 years ago that I was not sure if we should be done having babies. We debated and thought about it, and ultimately we put the decision in God's hands and said "He will determine if it is meant to be." Well I guess He (God) thought it was meant to be, and sent the message twice as strong! But like I said it is still scary thinking about raising 4 children, birthing 2 at the same time, and making sure to spend equal time with each of them, not to mention the $37,000 in childcare that we are looking at annually. So I have often found myself reflecting on scripture, and finding peace in God's teachings. I ran across this today, and thought I would share. Babies or not we all get scared and need something to help pick us up and keep us going.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Happy Birthday - My Sweet Baby Boy
My where have the years gone? Some days seem to last forever, but the years sure are going by way to fast.
I love you little boy and wish you a very Happy New Year of Live. Love, Mom
Monday, March 14, 2011
Happy Birthday My Little Love….
I can’t believe that seven short years ago you came into your daddy and my lives. We love you so very much and we are so very proud of the precious little boy that you have become. You love to talk and imagine, and to share your thoughts with everyone who will listen to you. You love playing with your cousins, teasing the puppy dogs. You told me the other day that you prefer to get your “exercise in your hands in fingers, while playing your video games.” At least you are honest, and for that I am so very proud of you. You are the most wonderful little honest boy, who keeps Christ at the center of your heart. I love you little boy. Now would you please quit growing up so darn fast?
Taylor my Star (and little public speaker)
Country Living
Emma Grace loves running outside!
Yesterday I got out of the shower and looked outside and this is what I found. … Taylor and Ryan love having the flexibility to do man stuff. They really want to raise a big out here as well.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Catching up is so hard to do....
Well in the past 10 days we found out we were expecting twins, and we packed up our house and moved out to my parents vacant farm house. Well it was almost vacant - my sister Emily has been living here. She was kind enough to let us move in with her until we can get our tiny house sold, get the babies here safe and sound, and build a bigger house!!! We have been busy. I am glad my husband is a take charge kind of guy when he goes into stress mode because I have been so tiered I can't even conceive moving on to the next step of the day.
My precious baby boy turns 7 this week, so we are having our family over for a small birthday party tonight to celebrate with him. Taylor is adjusting really well to farm life. He loves being outside and playing with the kitty cats. This afternoon I looked outside and saw him and his daddy rinding on the lawn mower together picking up sticks for a bond fire.
Emma Grace is adjusting well. The only thing that she did for the first couple days is say "I want to go back to my old home and take a nap." Poor baby just did not understand the move. But she loves it out here in the county. She has so much room to run, and things that allow her to be more independent!
Well so long for now - I had to write a few things that were on my mind and promise my blog that I owed it more so I would come back and get it done.