Saturday, August 7, 2010

Coble's 2010 Summer Vacation

Today is day 2.5 of the Coble’s 2010 summer vacation. Thursday night after work Ryan, Taylor, Emma Grace, my sister Emily, and I all took off and headed to Little Rock for the night. Friday we had the car serviced, and as soon as it was done we took off to Baton Rouge for our week long vacation. We were supposed to go to the beach in Destin, FL, but because of all the BP oil spill mess we had to cancel. However, we are glad to be spending a week in Baton Rouge and New Orleans with G-Daddy. We wish Manna was here, but we know her mom and dad need her very much right now.
Today is Saturday (day 1 in Baton Rouge), and already we have been to the farmers market, watched the hot air balloons at the Baton Rouge Hot Air balloon festival, went swimming, grilled steaks, went shopping, and met up with Mary, Jonathan and Lucy. It has been a busy day, and we are really looking forward to the rest of our vacation!
Just resting!

Talking with Daddy

Isn't she beautiful!!!!

View from G-Daddy's patio:
View from G-Daddy's patio:

Hot air festival.

This is a rainbow that we saw on our way do to LA!
Update on Bill Bill – Bill Bill is not doing very good right now. A couple weeks ago he had to go to the hospital because he was having seizers during the night. When they brought him to the hospital and ran test they determined that he has an aggressive cancer in his brain that has spread to his lungs. He left the hospital yesterday to go home and now he is under hospices assistance. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Mauree said...

I used to LOVE to go to the Balloon festival with my grandmother as a child. I didn't even know they still did it. I hope you guys have a fun week. Eat some yummy food for us...ha!