Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Weekly Update:

We have been so busy over the past week, so I thought I would make myself a quick list to go by:

* Filled a whole 30 yard dumpster this weekend with trash that has been dumped on our property. (We own 10 acres west of town that we have been meaning to clean for the past 2 years.) Feels great to finally have this project complete.
* My mom stopped by for a surprise visit. I have missed her so much, and have enjoyed her stay. (I long for the day that my parents move back home and are close by again.)
* Watched Taylor plant: peppers, egg plant, cucumbers, carrots, okra, and a yellow variety of green beans in his garden.
* Installed a new dish-washer (highlight of my month so far)!!!!
* Found out Taylor’s new eardrum is starting to detach itself. We go to Little Rock next Friday to confirm.
* It has rained for almost 40 days and 40 nights so far. I can’t wait to see the sun shine.
* Emma is starting to wean herself, and it is breaking this momma’s heart.
* Found out today that Emma has a double ear infection.
* Lucy started playschool on Monday and is in Emma’s class.
* My newest niece Lila is due any day and I can’t wait to meet her.

I’m sure that one day things will settle down a little bit, but I’m just not sure when. Here are some cute pictures of my babies to enjoy.


Char said...

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Taylor's ear drum is detaching itself?
I really want it to be good.

Jenny said...

I love the pictures! At least a yellow rain jacket like that helps make the most of a rainy spell!