Monday, November 1, 2010

The Life of a Six Year Old

I just don’t know what I am going to do with my little six year old. I did not think that I was going to have to deal with “attitude” until the teenage years. Taylor has always been my little snuggly boy that tells me everything that is on his mind. Lately when I ask him questions or ask him how school was he says “just never mind mom, I don’t want to talk about it.” Tonight when I was tucking him bed, the referenced that someone was going to punch someone else in the “nuts.” This momma is not ready for all this. I know that Taylor is not learning this stuff from home, so I have to assume that it is coming from school. I’m not sure what to think of other people’s children.


Char said...

Take a deep breath - then keep doing what you are doing. We can't control other people's kids and their influence on our children. Just continue to love and teach right from wrong - over and over and over again. It will be very deeply settled in Taylor - in the end - he will cling to what he has been taught and embrace those values. Raising children is hard work. You are really good at it.;-)

Elaine said...

He's probably seeing what he can get away with with his parents. Let him know firmly that those attitudes don't go over in your home.
Martin Luther's Ten Commandments are a good teaching tool. They not only teach "Thou shalt not" but what we must also do. "Martin Luther's Small Catechism" I'm not Lutheran but have taught my children them.

The Bost Family said...

Boys will be Boys... actually I don't know anything about that. Thanks for the update can't wait for your mass blog update. (because I want to see pictures of my babies aka your babies.)

DeAnna said...

I know it's not a fun time for you right now but I can say that I'm so glad that you are making these post bc before I can blink an eye I will be in your shoes only I will have your advice and the advice of your loved ones to have me good and prepared to deal with these issues! Hang in there and keep posting and giving advice!!