Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Funny Taylor Story

Yesterday Taylor had to break it to me that he got his card changed to the “yellow card.” He said the reason for this was because his teacher did not think he was writing in his journal. He said “the fact was mom, that I was thinking about what I wanted to write in my journal, and I just could not decide because there were so many fun choices to choose from, so I was just sitting there thinking. And Ms. Eubanks thought I was not working, and she made me change my card to Yellow.”

So as you can imagine I thought Taylor made a pretty good attempt at negotiating his side of the story, but like I am supposed to do I told Taylor “that this behavior was not appropriate and when we got home he needed to talk to his daddy about what happened and why he got his card changed.” Then he proceeded to tell me that he felt “Ms. Eubanks was just having a bad day and that is why he got his card changed. He asked if we could keep it a secret between me, him, and Ms. Eubanks”

I love that little boy, and he is going to make a great lawyer or conniving business man one day.

1 comment:

Char said...

I love that little boy too!
And yellow is my favorite color